Tuesday 3 May 2016

Linspired:The Remarkable Rise of Jeremy Lin, by Mike Yorkey

“Linspired” shows us Jeremy Lin’s journey to becoming the first Asian-American player to play in the NBA. Right from his parents immigration to America, to the phenomenon of “Linsanity” that took place during the 2011-12 NBA season.
The book includes conversations with tennis’ Michael Chang, Lin’s pastor, Stephen Chen; and Pat Williams, senior vice-president of the Orlando Magic. There are also multiple interviews with Jeremy himself.

Notable Excerpts:
  • He [Lin] would listen to his coaches, work on his weaknesses, and play hard. (p. 72)
  • Lin: “It’s definitely out there if you want it [temptations], but I choose to take it out of play. Once you take a stand for something at the beginning, everybody respects that, and they don’t bother you about it.” (p.77)
  • “I picked up some good ideas [from conversation with Michael Chang], like having a consistent devotional time and a prayer team behind you. So I formed a small team that I sent e-mails to every once in a while with prayer requests and praise reports.” (p. 130)
  • Lin:  “They [Jeremy’s parents] make sure I have the right attitude, that I don’t yell at my teammates or the refs and that I’m always under control. They make sure I have a godly attitude and when I don’t, they call me out on it and make me accountable.” (p. 151)
  • Lin: “I want to be able to be able to sit back when I’m done with my career and say that I gave everything I could and that I did it for God’s glory.” (p. 153)

Violence, sex, drugs, other:
  • It’s referenced how some women are looking to be impregnated by NBA players.
  • The tempting life of the NBA is discussed. 

What did I think?
“Linspired” is worth the read if you’re a sports fan or a fan of the underdog. You get a good look at all of the hard work Jeremy put in to be able to make it to the NBA. In the same breath, you see that Jeremy’s priorities are not being a great basketball player, but his relationship with God.
Not only was Jeremy’s story very interesting, the interview with former tennis star Michael Chang was full of great advice for Jeremy, and all Christians for that matter.
I’d recommend “Linspired” in a heartbeat. It won’t take you long to read, but it’ll leave you motivated to go and work harder where God has called you.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

“Linspired” is authored by Mike Yorkey. Yorkey, author and coauthor of over 75 books, has written on sports all his life.
To learn more about Mike, check out his website: www.mikeyorkey.com

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